
Issue no.1: A Tribute to Our Heroes

Freedom Fighter

Photo used with permission from thehomsar.

Article content to come; since this is the first issue I haven't gathered enough to post yet. Upcoming issues will be complete at posting. :) If you have a tribute you'd like to share, Military jokes, or contribute in any way to this effort please feel free to comment and let me know!

2 Letters:

Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

This blog is a spoof - right?

Tell me this
I love my God, my family, my country. I am dedicated to spreading the message of the intrinsic value of human life through education and activism and through support of various pro-life organizations.

isn't serious? Perleeeese?

27/8/05 09:55  
Blogger Tiffany wrote...

This blog is absolutely not a spoof. And I am absolutely serious about what I put in my profile. I am curious why you would even ask such a question. I'm guessing you've bought into the crap that the leftists throw around about the Military? Or is it the pro-life part you take issue with, on a personal level?

29/8/05 13:19  

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